Looking For A Few Cunning Saboteurs

We are creating a new Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare and are currently seeking volunteers to fight the fascists

David Todd McCarty
3 min read3 days ago
Photo: Adobe Stock

I am looking for volunteers interested in waging a psychological guerrilla war against Trump’s MAGA fascists. The search is for those with backgrounds in behavioral psychology, sociology, marketing, theater, storytelling, computer science, info-sec, and the creative arts. Many other occupations would likely be useful, but we simply haven’t identified them yet. The real traits we seek are creativity, unconventional thinking, and devilish cunning.

I’d like to begin by assembling an advisory team to brainstorm ways to sabotage the enemy at every level. But first, let me explain the inspiration behind this little soirée.

In the early days of World War II, it was clear that Great Britain would be no match for Hitler’s army in direct combat. An invasion was a foregone conclusion. Winston Churchill, not yet the Prime Minister, believed that the only way to win was to fight dirty. He recruited a bunch of highly intelligent, unconventional specialists to create what he called The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare, the essence of which was that if Hitler wasn’t going to fight fair, then neither would they.

They weren’t even soldiers, for the most part. They were inventors and scientists, creative types with more than a smidge of insolence for authority. They were unconventional in thought and deed, and willing to be ruthless. By Churchill’s estimation, if they lost, there’d be nothing left to fight for, so there was nothing to lose. Might as well get dirty.

The plan was sabotage. Drop operatives behind enemy lines, blow shit up, and disappear like a fart in the wind. Then do it again. They blew up trains and bridges, heavy water plants, and electrical generators. They were to be a thorn, deep in the side of the Nazi advance. Their operations were off the books and entirely secret, but ultimately changed the course of the war.

The other source of inspiration are the dirty tricksters of the Nixon campaign who coined the term ratfucking. Some of what they did was illegal, but not all of it. It was more like college prank material, but highly effective in disrupting the opposition.

The internet has been a wonderful tool for disinformation and psychological manipulation, but it’s mostly been the purview of evil. But this blade has two sides and can cut both ways. Why can’t we use all the tools of the trade to disrupt the Magats?

The Ministry

The plan is to create a movement, as opposed to a formal organization, that can spin off independent cells to wreak havoc on the Maga machine. We will be research and development, planners and strategists, able to feed intel and resources to field operatives who can carry out missions. The objective is to foment chaos, dissent, confusion, and disillusionment within the GOP.

We will not be asking anyone to do anything illegal, and no violence of any kind will be tolerated. However, we may cross the line on what is considered socially acceptable behavior. If you wish to play by the rules, like a good Democrat, than this is probably not the right place for you. But if you see this moment in time as an existential threat to your very life, then we might be able to use your talents.

We will call it simply, The Ministry.

Grpahics by Hopping Frog Studios, LLC. Image: Adobe Stock.

If are interested in being part of The Ministry, drop a note to dtm (@) romemagazine.us. Give us a little background on yourself including your skill set. We’ll send you some more info with steps towards joining our Signal Group.



David Todd McCarty

A cranky romantic searching for hope and humor. I tell stories. Most of them are true. I’m not at all interested in your outrage, but I do feel your pain.